Your situation doesn't sound easy at all, and I don't think that anyone blames you for feeling frustrated and fed up. I wish I had some answers, or even words of wisdom that might make things better, but I have no answers nor am I particularly wise. I do know that if you're interested in pills you might check in with your GP or a psychiatrist.
I am overwhelmed.
It's easy to get overwhelmed when you get so much on your plate. Don't beat yourself up over that one. I think every single one of us feels that way from time to time for different reasons. Situations like this tend to get right up in your face and talk very loudly, so you can't even hear yourself think. I'm not giving any advice, but I've always found it helpful to try to take a step back and maintain the big picture - realize that I have been through suffering before, and I will come out the other side this time, too.
...I see no joy in getting old any more.
I don't guess that in your situation there is much joy. You're spending time and resources caring for elderly loved ones, and things like that can take a toll. I don't think I'd see much joy in it either if all I dealt with were the problems and the complications of aging. Sometimes though, it's very easy to get sucked into the suffering of the situation and see the world through depression-tinted glasses.
I want to go away in a fog and just sleep.
I'm in my early twenties, so arguably I've got more adversity in my future to face - but I've had a big dose of it here recently and I know that feeling very well. Just close my eyes and let the world pass me by. Sometimes that sounds better to me than having to look at the same damn problems that are waiting for me when my feet hit the floor in the morning. It sounds better, but it isn't. Problems rarely go away on their own - they just get bigger and uglier and louder. The trick is learning how to face them down and to not let yourself get too overwhelmed. Probably needless to say, I don't have that trick down.
Again, I'm not a wise man, I just play one on TV. I hope something I said helped in some small way. Feel free to PM anytime :hi: