... but it really wasn't like that at all. I don't have regrets like that, I never have. As a child and as a young man I sort of see myself as a little animal person that a lot of random stuff happened to, some of it bad. There ain't no way of changing what I was, so it's only interesting as a story or an experience. I can't really draw a lot of insight out of it except maybe to explain my emotional reactions to certain situations, but even that's not accurate -- it's pretty easy to come up with some storybook explanation for something that might just be intrinsic, like maybe I'm extremely anxious about flying because I'm extremely anxious about flying, and not because I have trust or control issues arising from some bad childhood experience.
Someone was always claiming I was "denying my own needs" or something like that, as if I was a monk sworn to chastity and poverty, or worse, praising me for that, which is why I often have such an adversarial relationship with religion because they can be so wrong about things. But I wasn't denying myself anything.
Sex? That would have been nice, I wanted to have sex, most people do, but I also knew it could turn into something too complicated for me. And it's also funny because people I knew as a teen and young adult have told me years later that they'd wanted to sleep with me, and that I'd been so clueless I'd missed their signals. Thinking back, yeah, I did. I think there were only two times I recognized what had happened afterwards, after the opportunity had slipped by. One young woman, I hurt her feelings, she thought I was rejecting her, and I recognized that later and felt bad about it; not bad that I'd missed the opportunity, but bad that I'd hurt her feelings. She was always sort of mean to me after that too. The other was like, "Oh well, there are plenty of other boys."
Drugs? For some reason the common ones people abuse are pretty boring to me. My moods can go all over the place without drugs, and I can hallucinate too. I have to take drugs so that doesn't happen.
Rock & Roll? Most music with words is too hard for me to listen too. I have enough difficulty remembering what people say when they talk, and if I'm not focusing on the music, I hear the composition, but the words hardly register unless I've already made the effort to pick out and decode the words of the song, or seen the lyrics written down. I can sing in church because I've seen the music.
So anyways, bushwentawol, it sounds good that you are thinking about it. If I can offer my own experience, maybe you are never going to make any sense out of it; there's a lot in my own experience that's never going to make sense to me or anyone else. It's all a random pile of broken stuff that I leave in the attic mostly untouched. Maybe there's something up there that will be useful someday, but probably not.