Edited on Mon Apr-16-07 07:25 PM by undergroundpanther
want it different than it is.We can change ourselves, change perceptions,change what we want to see and make it real to ourselves even to the point of "delusion" but the world is as fucked up as it ever was.
We change or feel changed but what I think we change is something transient inside of us and because it is in us,it doesn't change that much OUTSIDE of us really.Maybe personal contact or words on the web can make small temporary changes or change 1 person maybe, or a few..we never know how unimportant or important we are in effecting things in the grand scheme of things concerning changes that last. I think we just have to tell ourselves we matter because the world won't bother to tell us we matter at all that's for sure.
It's very hard to feel any stability in a world that is constantly changing and crisising , hard to create the feeling you are in control of your life when everything looks like it's spinning out of control and most of it is out of our hands,including some of the shit that happens to us..It's hard to create a sense of health in a world that is alive and healthy and sick and dying all at the same time ain't it? So I don't bother. It's chaos oh well.
Like Saturday night one of the drains running out of my surgical site from my male chest reconstruction started pouring out blood at 2 am,WTF?, I started bleeding out of the wound..The bulb of the drain was filled with a big blood clot(pain in the ass to get that thick goopy mess out of the drain bulb BTW messed up the bathroom looked like a murder scene from CSI when I finally got it out lol)
Anyways I could have panicked and I did a little internally.My mom came to help and her anxiety got in the way,and my roommate Mike who had medical training gently shooed her out and we fixed the problem.The next day we were having a Nor Easter,nasty winds and pouring rain, my mom needed reassurance to get to Dr.Fisher's even though she knows how to get there and after all was said and done I was ok,I had just pissed off some of the wound by my coughing.(I had the flu and I am in the hack stage.)
So it was not a bad thing to bleed like that. It apparently isn't going to keep the drains in longer. It looked scary but it was nothing.Things were the same yet things changed too.I have no boobs my chest is flat and much to my surprise I got some nice looking pectoral development I make a mighty handsome guy..
Yet mom was still anxious, Mike still knew what to do, we still had to shoo mom out of the room and we still had to see Dr.Fischer the next day in a fucking downpour with some howling winds and eat at Denny's and freeze our asses off because they didn't have any heat..This same wind that today blew a tree down at my sisters house, cutting her power,So she had to do her work over here she telecommutes sometimes.
Luckily the tree missed her house and her car by inches. If it had fallen off by a few inches either side her work area in the house would have new greenery in it or her car would be a convertible.
It was a pain to get my wireless network to recognize her computer and I got really close to punching the monitor in...and to top it off today 30 innocent people were shot at Va Tech. by some tortured soul or a fucking psychopath piece of shit..
Life is a series of crisis's and events a totally mixed up chaos that touches us all the time bad and good,often at the same time and to say we can control what comes into our lives or make believe we can change it by thinking nice thoughts or demanding changes we want like pissed off children from this indifferent impersonal chaos called existence is to me an exercise in denying and futility.
Magic is stress release and fantasy a elaborate coping mechanism .Sometimes it works but often it doesn't if I am to be honest about it. Shit will fly where it may regardless , and I realize hey, shit happens,and a shitty life isn't a permanent affliction. Someday we all get a chance to get out of this mess it's called Death.
And we won't have to mop up what shit life throws at us all the time, someday we can rest.But while we are here do what you do,care as much as you dare to, and become and love who you are and share what you got because the world sure as hell could care less who suffers.And that hurts too.
I found my inner child and he's a winged electric psychedelic werelion packing an assault rifle that shoots both flowers and silver bullets. *smirk*
************************************************************* "But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here." Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, 1865 Chapter 6, "Pig and Pepper"