Not for bipolar but for PSTD. Anyways I felt punchy at first as you described woozy and off. I got some nausea later, it was irritating made riding in a car not fun,bit it wore off eventually then the real kicker came next...
But what made me stop the drugs was diarrhea from hell. It wasn't normal shits it burned bad, like my stomach acid was burning all the way through my intestines and rectum.I changed my diet and stayed away from spices etc.It was still burning.It was awful,I got a hemorrhoid from it I never had one in my life until I took abilify.It made me bleed and the burning shits made it really bad.I am not sure if it harmed my body or not.
If you develop the shits and if you have the same reaction I did to abilify the shits are like usual runs but soon they will begin to burn.If you get that side effect as bad as I got it you will be forced to stop taking abilify,trust me.
I think if you can handle it and your body has no reactions to it,see how it goes,pay attention to the effects good and bad for at least a month.. but if you get burning fire shits,quit because I am not sure if it damages your digestive system or not.