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My house of cards is falling

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astral Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-28-07 09:47 PM
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My house of cards is falling
Wow, this week has been a real hummer, and I brought it on my self. First my job was throwing more at me than I had time to do, and I was already extremely lethargic (partly anemia and partly some kind of gluten intolerance, which I have discovered must be true by not eating any more gluten) and I have been too tired to put in any more overtime than necessary to keep myself from getting hanged for not getting something done.

Then this week, my fault, I got p.o'd at my landlord for opening the door on my hurried lunch hour (after I did not respond to his knocking, not knowing or caring if it was him but alas the door was ajar) just to 'remind' me to close my bedroom window whenever I leave the house. Due to previous cr*p about that I won't go into here, I slammed the door on him and turned the deadbolt lock on. Not surprisingly, I got a 30-day eviction notice posted on my door upon returning from work that day.

Where I live the housing is extremely expensive, and so tight I can't find a single rental (or even a room for rent!) that will allow me to move in with my beloved cat. 30 days to get out, and no where to go so I am planning on moving into a storage unit.

And my best buddy took off for the summer, maybe for good, tonite, so between all these things I am just sitting in a tearful panic-stricken pile of stinky self-pity tonite. Eating nothing but an occasional spoonful of peanut butter and a banana to keep from starving myself and drinking gobs of coffee and wondering why I live on the one place on the planet that I appear to not be wanted.

Snap out of it, remember what OTHER people are going through, and walk through the mud . . . . .even if it just seems to be getting deeper and deeper til I can't breathe anymore . . . . if I did not have this big old cat it would not be nearly as stressful or scary, but it's okay, I just wanted to dump somewhere tonite and try to clear my head.

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hedgehog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-28-07 10:23 PM
Response to Original message
1. Wow - hang in there Astral!
Try to take a deep breath and take it all one step at a time. It doesn't matter what other people are going through, you're going through a bad time, too. Try to get something nutritious inside yourself even if it's only a couple of vitamin tablets, and try to get a good rest this week-end.
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-29-07 12:07 AM
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2. Your landlord cannot evict you for keeping your window open
or for shutting the door on an unannounced entry. That's illegal in most venues.
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DemExpat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-29-07 04:14 AM
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3. Write down your options on a piece of paper, astral,
along with all of the negative feelings and circumstances on another.

This always saves my ass in a crisis.

I would try to inform the landlord about my situation and apologize for the outburst, but then, the thought of moving into a storage unit would be enough to galvanize me to do just about anything to prevent it from happening. :-(
Having a "home" is the bare minimum for me for stability and sanity.

Keep us posted if you need to vent or share or talk about any options.

Peanut butter and banana are good - coffee is not. Substitute this first with water, juices, even some tea.....then add some other nutritious foods for strength.



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astral Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-29-07 02:23 PM
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4. Hey, thanks, everybody
I do have vitamins to take and did get hashbrowns and eggs and bacon for breakfast, but I can't seem to let go of the coffee but drinking extra water will help. Today I am getting off my duff and making three (big) piles -stuff to keep - stuff to 2ndhand store -stuff to dump. And I don't want to try to make peace with a landlord that walks in and out like he lives in the damned apartment, as he has been doing for some months now, carefully timing his entrances to when Im at work, as (a) he lives about a 2 -minute walk from my place, (b) he doesn't have a job anymore (c) I do have a job and I work about a 5-minute walk from my place, which he well knows.

So it's really better for me to get out but it would have been better if I started SERIOUSLY trying to get out before the eviction thing came to a head.

I do intend, however, once I get calmly settled down to somewhere, to write a detailed description of every way in which he broke the landlord-tenant act and send a copy to both him and the Ombudsman's office, just for their records. A person can't enjoy living in an apartment when a landlord is all weird about them anyway. There would always be that feeling of waiting for the other show to drop, and I believe he wanted me out anyway so he can raise the rent by $2 to $300 a month like he can get in a cut-throat rental town like this one.

I got to pick myself up, move on, and speak my mind on paper to document what happened, then just let it go.

And I gotta take my vitamins! :)

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DemExpat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-29-07 02:29 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Sounds good to me.
Hope you find a new apartment with a decent landlord soon, dear!


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hedgehog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-29-07 06:38 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. Bravo - sometimes the best way out of a bad situation is to get kicked out!
I was laid off from an intolerable job situation several years back. The family finances took a hit, and I still get mad sometimes because I was better at my job than the people who selected me for lay-off. On the other hand, I would never have been offered my current job if I was still working there, and I doubt I would have survived there much longer without some serious health effects from the stress! Maybe this is your chance to find a great apartment (or at least a better landlord!)
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-01-07 11:42 PM
Response to Reply #4
8. Sounds like a plan to me.
Let us know how it goes. :)
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Maraya1969 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-01-07 07:32 PM
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7. Trust me, as someone who has been a "landlord" many times over a note will not
Edited on Tue May-01-07 07:32 PM by Maraya1969
get you kicked out of your apartment. At the very least he will have to take you to court and if you are up on your rent he is going to have a tough time.

If I was you I'd muster up everything I had and apologize for yelling at him just to deflate the situation.

I'm sorry that you are having a bad day. :hug:
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