I change constantly I am always in flux.
My hair color,my gender,what color tail I wear, beliefs.Which person is out. I am in a constant real-time update changing all the time.I have found by "solid ground" the order in this chaos by asking myself which boundaries are essential to me and which really don't matter in the bigger scope of things And enforcing them. Just letting the non essentials be unimportant helps you let go bit by bit.Once I figured all that out,I changed,and I embraced it and I go with it,and I am not afraid of changes,I actually love the differences and flavors,of most experiences . I like dancing in the chaos and I can do it without it overwhelming me anymore.It can be liberating to give up control over stuff that really does not matter. Step by step..this site might help.
http://www.inclusion.com/artlearninghow.html ( Having and enforcing those few essential boundaries enables me to let go/change without fear)..but..when things stay static for too long I get bored. It seems like when things are too static for a long time it feels like being in a sensory deprivation tank,and according to people who test this sort of thing, people will get kinda crazy in isolation tanks in about a 24 hours.
This is because nothing in the tank changes. Nothing changes to stimulate the person's senses.So the senses stimulate themselves,in a sorta psychotic like way that if it goes on too long it can hurt your brain physically. You can learn alot about what lurks in your subconscious by isolating in that kind of way,looking into yourself. But it's not for the faint of heart.
I spent 18 months in an isolation room, Like this room below. But smaller and with nothing in it but a mat on the floor and a big metal heavy duty locking screen on the window that made it pointless to look through it.
So I think I've had my fill of SS DD.And one thing I found something very strange happened after all that isolation, when I was let out of that room ,I noticed everything was more vivid changes were so everywhere like my senses were drinking it all in..and it was not overwhelming at all.
http://www.core77.com/mackay/..So I shake things up.On purpose.Fill in the blank spaces with colors,Just to keep my wits about me. I am strange...
"We need to escape from the deterministic influence of the point, circuit and torus attractors into the unpredictability of the Strange Attractor. This attractor is the basis of Self Organization. There is no apparent order at all to the actions of the Strange attractor. On the surface it appears to be pure Chaos, but nevertheless there is order of a subtle kind which only appears over time when looked at in the right perspective. Its analogy in consciousness is the willing function. Yet, when tied to Awareness - the Zero - it is spontaneous, unpredictable. It appears to be chaotic, yet it has order of a subtle, fractal kind."
Click this next link below but I'll warn you there is a gorgeous changing fractal graphic on the site's front page.And this site might help you see the organization that is inside change make it less scary.
http://www.fractalwisdom.com/FractalWisdom/index.htmlAnd I dedicate this song to you.
Ramon by Laurie Anderson
Last night I saw a host of angels
And they were all singing different songs
And it sounded like a lot of lawn mowers
Mowing down my lawn
And up above kerjillions of stars
spangled all over the sky
And they were spirals turning
Turning in the deep blue night.
And suddenly for no reason
The way that angels leave the ground
They left in a kind of vortex
Traveling at the speed of sound.
And just as I started to leave
Just as I turned to go
I saw a man who'd fallen
He was lying on his back in the snow.
Some people walk on water
Some people walk on broken glass
Some just walk round and round
in their dreams
Some just keep falling down.
So when you see a man who's broken
Pick him up and carry him
And when you see a woman who's broken
Put her all into your arms
Cause we don't know where we come from
We don't know what we are.
And you? You're no one
And you? You're falling
And you? You're traveling
Traveling at the speed of light.