Bush is running scared from us Not because we are a danger now,but of what we might do(which is badsed in bigotry in his head). He's greedy torn between two wants.
Bush wants to steal the disability /social security money,but he knows certain disabled folks have very vocal caretakers who would raise hell if they lost thier benifiets. Also the disabled can organize,and they have REAL moral highground that the greedy don't and cannot EVER have.
I think the real danger is in how bush's paternalistic approach to disability manifests in real life..Like having problem doctors that are trigger happy with commitments,are into controlling people,limiting their freedoms because they can,, medicating people into inactivity, kinda ike a chemical lobotomy,and using restraints hospitals and institutions as a tool to put us out of sight, one by one in the name of convienence. Than over time,one by one he'll sysyematically kill us off. And make it appear random.
Bush's evil hearted handlers are smart,they will not kill off people en masse like the Nazis did.They might want to but they can't .They don't want a political backfire on thier fascist dreams. So They'll do it sneaky. Kill a few 'nuts' here,Drug a few 'crips'to death there,Pull a few plugs ,have a few accidents,mix up a few medicines,a few unfortunate incidents over there,The people killed will be done in a scattered throught the country way in various unconnected places and diverse situations...Perfect plausible deniability for genocidal assholes Don'tcha think?.. This kind of systematic murder will occur kinda like snow falls,Individual snowflakes don't show,on the grass, it can snow million of flakes can fall for quite awhile before any accumulation begins to be seen by outside observers..
By time it's seen it might be too late. Meanwhile Bush can introduce legislation in his usual orwellian way,dumb down the hysterical public,indoctrinate and desensitize the public to the evilness of ideas like eugenics,authoruitarianism,genocide, torture and social darwinism. The media can rationalize it ignore it or paint it as holy or even nessary.And the stupid ass,emotionally disconnected,sleepwalking scared,and greedy public will buy into it,like most every other lie,politicians say,and have said since the beginning of the USA..
The RWingers have turned alot of people on to being,selfish,violent,fundy,controlling ,pathologically disconnected from emotions like tenderness kindness ,and made people hyper competitive .Society is turning more and more sociopathic already..Bush and his right wing cabal, the fundy greedy hypocrite church will all work overtime to erode the public's empathy for those declared as'weak' or 'useless eaters'.The public will seek a scapegoat they can dominate rather than attack thier true opressors playing the disaplinarian,abusive parental role in government.
Things will heat up as more people lose thier jobs for no real reason,and they'll resent people on SSI,and they will envy us,and make us as the "problem " of society needing fixing as the burden on the'normals' grows,and thier sense of security at the same time dwindles,they freakout,since they cannot directly fight the source of thier opression because the source is the hand that feeds them(the rich ruiling class)so they'll misdirect that anger,look the other way, and some will be more willing to sacrifice the disabled or mentally ill,women.gays transpeople, or the criminals "for thier own good" thamn others.Which means really they are acting out the real agenda of rightwingers,social dawrwinism.Death is good for the welfare of corporations so the masically nutralized disabled and diverse will be seen as less of a "drag" on the economy.As the public sells it's soul to sucess again,hypocitically thinking of only saving thier own undisabled asses..first while they say bullshit with thier mouths and hide thier true colors under a false pretty plausable deniability..
That is how I think this will unfold.