...come out smelling like a rose? Will he always be successful at manipulating situations so that I look like a crazed, lying fool?
I am so heartsick and angry right now.
My grandmother on my mother's side died. This was a grandma that was special to me when I was little, despite my father's attempts at isolating me from her and every other relative. He would make fun of her and he had a derogatory nickname for her. When he would insult me, he would often tell me I was just like her.
Did I mention that my father molested me and allowed his best friend to molest me as well?
I haven't spoken to my father in five years, since I cut him off. My other grandmother called me the other night and said, "I have a message from your father." I've told this grandmother NUMEROUS times not to mention my father's name. Now, it feels like she's destroying the boundary that I have created to protect me from my father. She told me that he wanted me to know that my grandmother wasn't doing well and that it was too bad I didn't communicate with the family any more.
My grandmother died the next day.
My grandmother called me again, to tell me--from my father--that she died. I don't want to get message from him!! I have PTSD and I feel that the distance I got from him has just been shattered.
Now...I sit knowing that I cannot attend the funeral. My father will be there. His lifelong friend, who also molested me will be there. All of the family members, who believe that I lied when I revealed that my father sexually abused me, will be there. He has made it impossible for me to be around the family or to have any relationships because he has thrown me under the bus---and positioned me as a crazy, vengeful, misguided idiot who is telling lies about abuse.
So, once again--he wins. He gets to attend the funeral of my grandmother--a woman that he couldn't make fun of enough. Meanwhile, he gets to tell everyone who notices that I'm not there how utterly crazy and thoughtless I am for skipping my own grandmother's funeral. I can hear it all now, "We told her she died. She knows. She didn't show up. It's just so sad...isn't it?". He molests me, lies about it and convinces everyone that I am a pariah. He's orchestrations the bastardization of me--and now he's feeding me information about attending family funerals?
I'm just really sick of his evil and of feeling like it always wins in the end--while I have lost everything just because I had the courage to tell the truth.
Sorry for the long rant. I'm having a tough time. Thank you for listening.