I got my food stamps card last week or so. Turned in the DED form yesterday, but would really, really like to know how long I have to wait before I know if I qualify for medi-cal and can then go to MH. The back-up worker that I asked when I turned in my packet yesterday gave a snotty reply of "whenver your worker gets the forms filed".
I have hit the cliff and am falling off, and having what I think are mild anxiety attacks, lots of crying, heavy breathing.
I have no funds and only a stack of bills from the clinic that I went to a few months ago when I first had started applying for medi-cal. That got stopped when my neighbors told me my property had been used as a meth lab, meaning it is now worthless (paid all cash as I knew disability would take forever to get). Finally picked up form from SS, as I had thought the DED would go through to SS.
I forgot to call today, but don't even really want to talk to anyone rude tomorrow.
I just can't wait too much longer. Not suicidal, just depressed and very, very anxious and did I mention lots of pain.
I have managed to get through every thing else life threw at me til now and am not coping well at all. Must have been that last lawyer that said he "wasn't interested" in taking my meth house case.
Any input greatly appreciated. thanks