known a couple of people in my support group who have, and they say pretty much the same thing as you are saying.
Zoloft seems to work fine with me in regards to controlling my bipolar condition; I think, though, that that's largely because I tend toward the depressed side of the scale a lot of the time. I freely admit that there are times when I enjoy the "mania" aspect of it, but that's because the downside is so damned, well, depressing and much worse to deal with. I do understand the many problems mania causes, though, hell, I've had to deal with many of them. The only thing I definitely do NOT like about Zoloft is how it completely deadens me sexually (something I thought nothing could, lol!), I HATE that!!
It seems that we're damned if we do, damned if we don't, when it comes to our medicines. The ones that really help almost ALWAYS seem to have side effects that are almost as bad as the condition itself.