I've had trouble sleeping for a while now. It has culminated in this evening. I work 3rd shift. I got 3 hours of sleep yesterday before going into work and today I haven't slept a wink. But I feel good. Nice and alert. I don't consume caffeine, btw, and nothing has changed as far as my medication goes.
Tonight I got to thinking while laying there in bed about ways that I could make money. I thought that I might try my hand at real estate investing and after maybe going over that for 2 hours found myself in front of my computer on a web site called Prosper seriously thinking about applying for a $30,000 personal loan to finance the start up of my newly hatched get rich quick scheme.
At least I'm aware of it this time and as you can see I have some insight into it. That's a first for me. Hopefully, it's just that chili I had for lunch, but I don't think so.
Some people who have experienced mania say that they miss it sometimes after they get treatment. You can get all kinds of shit done, you don't have to sleep, and you have a general state of well being. Unfortunately, the mania turns on most people after a while. They may enter into a state of psychosis or the bottom will drop out and leave them feeling like a shell of their former selves.
I'm the psychotic type and when the mania peeks that's when my schizophrenic symptoms appear. I take a heavy duty dose of an anti-psychotic twice a day to control that, so maybe this time if it is mania it won't be near as bad. I just had an appointment with my psychiatrist today, too, and told him everything was going good for me. :crazy: