I just can't deal with the reality of shrub's re-coronation and the possible repercussions. I feel guilty, like I should be fighting in the trenches like I was pre- and just post-election. But I burned out on the possible fraud issue when it was shown Bev Harris is a flake and possibly worse. To Kerry supporters: I am not trying to offend you, but I feel Kerry gave up the fight too easily and I've been rather angry with him ever since. We lost Kerry. We lost the momentum of the Black Box Voting organization. In short, we lost.
For some of you it will be another four years of simmering anger at what was probably another theft. Me? I only caught on in B**h's mid-reign when he suddenly focused attention on Iraq. I feel that
everyone should have caught on at that point. I hadn't been paying attention until then. I took the fucking red pill and now I'm almost sorry I did because I don't think anything I do will make a bit of difference.
My mouth dropped open in disbelief when I saw that many DUers actually thought Kerry would be inaugurated on this fine January day. How could so many deny that we are practically powerless in the face of this? I didn't say much, but to believe such a thing seemed the height of stupidity--almost as stupid as believing the weed is actually a good guy. I had to leave the 2004 Election Results forum to itself at that point. The "I BELIEVE" thread was, in short, unbelievable.
This cancer is marching on without us now. Only a very few politicians are unaffected, but who knows what money is changing hands, infecting the receiver, turning good people into grotesque caricatures of themselves? It's going to take more than silly Ladyhawk writing letters, sending money to candidates and occasionally taking to the courthouse lawn to protest the war. It's going to take a civil war, a revolution of some kind. But the shrub gang will take it slowly from level to level so we're never quite outraged enough. That's what Hitler did in the 30's. Meanwhile, most of the Germans
thought they were free. I don't see a way to stop this with over half the nation asleep. If they haven't awakened by now, they must be comatose.
I dreamed of ostracized family last night. They were calling me a "liberal" as if it was an insult. It hurt. Of course, nearly every interaction with them in the past has hurt. Later, in another dream, my brother surprised me by admitting that he didn't trust the chimperor. I couldn't believe it. The Rush Limbaugh, Faux and NewsMax propaganda wasn't doing its job? In reality my brother is irredeemable, I think. He thinks stories about torturing inmates and animals = humor.
So is it too late to take the blue pill? I'll have mine with a shot of vodka and a klonopin, please. Make that a double. My psychological makeup wasn't great to begin with, so in order to keep my sanity, I must pretend this isn't happening. This isn't happening and nothing you say will convince me it is. I'm going on with my life as if the boy king had never existed. I refuse to take responsibility for his existence when I can barely take responsibility for my own.