Edited on Mon Jan-24-05 09:59 PM by Ladyhawk
Is it my problem or is it theirs or is it both? One thing I've learned about myself is that I'm extremely sensitive. So on important things I have to give myself a day, a week, sometimes more before making a comment or a decision.
Another thing I've learned is that if I give myself that amount of time, consult with my counselor and still feel there is a problem, there probably is. At that point, I can consider that the other party is mostly to blame and take it from there.
If, however, I start feeling really guilty, there's a good chance the problem is partially, mostly or all my fault. I have to watch the guilt, though. I suffer from what Bradshaw calls "toxic shame" and I have to make sure that the guilt or shame I'm suffering is not due to Depression, OCD, PTSD or toxic shame. If it is, all bets are off and I have to re-evaluate.
My feeling concerning my earlier post (post-laundry...hehe) is that everyone is still keyed up due to our losses in November. They are ready to treat any post that doesn't smell right as an affront. It probably would have helped had I worded the question differently, but I still don't see much wrong with what I said. It was supposed to be a joke. Granted it was a lame joke, but this place has me believing that everything I say has to be intelligent and / or witty...so I even have to figure out clever ways to ask simple questions. WTF...next time I'll just ask the stupid question.
Take a break from DU? I think so. I think I'm also going to take a break from all the "global warming, peak oil, giant asteroid, nuclear war, sky-is-falling" posts. If any of those things happen, there isn't a hell of a lot I can do, is there? I'm barely holding my own life together. I can't hold the world together, too. I'll still sign petitions, write e-mails, etc., but if I get too involved, I might as well jump off a cliff now and save global warming, peak oil, giant asteroids, nuclear war, etc. the trouble. Homo sapiens as a whole must wise up or die.