Mary Jo Codey: It's not who I am
New Jersey first lady discusses depression with Morris audience
By Michael Daigle, Daily Record
MORRIS PLAINS -- New Jersey first lady Mary Jo Codey told more than 200 women on Thursday night that while she is clinically depressed and a breast cancer survivor, those conditions do not define her life.
"That's not who I am," she told the audience at Pfizer's campus for the 2005 Winter Network Night of the United Way of Morris County's Women's Leadership Initiative.
Codey, the wife of acting Gov. Richard J. Codey -- "I call him Richie" -- has been speaking publicly for many years about her bouts with postpartum depression and breast cancer. She said her family was uncomfortable with the open discussion about her condition but, Codey said, she spoke about her battle with breast cancer, and felt it is just as important to talk about mental illness.
Codey joked about her exposure on the radio.
"If you have watched television or listened to the radio recently then you know I have a mental illness," she began. Later, after answering a couple of questions, she asked the audience, "What, no shock jock questions?"
The approach to that incident framed her discussion, which was frank, open and drew an appreciative response.