a dx is sometimes made for very narrow reasons, and is not likely to be reassessed without a major showdown of some sort. this goes for physical as well as mental illnesses. you would think they engraved the things on brass plaques or something. i think they are very often wrong, and mostly useless. they give you a starting place for treatments, but it is still trial and error anyway. i think that a big part of my daughter's dx of bipolar was dependent on the side effects from some carelessly prescribed meds that she was on at the time she was admitted to the hospital. she also was reporting a lot of things that i pretty much knew to be not actually happening. lots of other things were happening, and i am not sure whether the dx was correct or not. one thing that it led to that was useful was therapeutic school. one thing it did not lead to was medication that she found to be useful and worth taking.
but- did you want to tell us more? what would this mean to you?