Like periods where you have cycling and racing thoughts, no sleep, etc?
I have more clarity during the manic phases than the "normal" phases. I get far more creative, I think about things from all different angles (both a good and bad thing at times). This usually lasts about five to seven days, followed by a crash and burn where I sleep hard for a day or two, Right now I'm in a four week manic phase, the longest I've had in a couple years.
And for me it's not really mood swings like others seem to have. My mood is fairly consistent (bad), but my energy levels fluctuate madly, from barely being able to hold my head up, to not sleeping a wink for days (and this is with the meds...you should have seen me before).
I can't say much about your own situation, but from what I've seen here and in the Lounge it seems like you do have major depression at times, in fact quite often. That could explain why you feel happiness and acceptance in those rare times when the depression lifts a bit (I'm all too familiar with that, too). Bipolar disorder is a whole different ball of wax, but some of the symptoms do overlap. I knew I was depressed for a couple of decades, but never even thought of being bipolar until about 4 years ago, even though my father was too. It can be tough to tell them apart.