Maybe I'm not fit to meet anyone ever again, after being through this experience, approaching 40 and being ruined in many ways, and slightly paranoid about the intentions of others who I come across.
I'm 41 and can definitely relate to that, and until just this year it really bothered me. I've just decided that I no longer want to put myself out there emotionally when I'll probably screw it up anyways. And even if I didn't screw it up I'm not sure a relationship is what I want anyways. I like being alone a lot as it is, and it's only about 10% of the time that I actually feel lonely. I'm not exactly Mr Social, so I won't even be anywhere I could meet someone, and besides, finding a woman who could even tolerate my music, let alone like it, is a billion to one shot anyways. :evilgrin:
You may travel a different road. I felt similar to this about a decade ago, and yet I ended up meeting and marrying someone awesome. Even now I've learned to never say never (my counselor has weened me off of absolutes lol). You probably already know to take things day by day. Just add this to the list. You may feel totally different down the line, or not. And either one is ok if you feel that's what best for you.