teenagers are driving me a little nuts. 18 y.o. son has swallowed every conspiracy the internet has to offer. ready to start worrying about that. he did a 10 day meditation training and he wants to spend some time visiting buddhist monasteries. we bought him an amtrak pass for his birthday.
middle child is doing very well. she has mostly behaved herself since moving back. she has her occasional meltdown, but we all mostly just accept that is the way she is. i get a little melty myself sometimes. she is working hard, and got a new boyfriend that we don't see too much. seems ok from what we have seen.
getting ready to take a trip. DH is going to india for work, and i am tagging along. we will be there 10 days, but he only has to do work stuff for 3 of those days. it will be quite an adventure. just hope the house doesn't burn down while we are gone. and hope we come home to the same number of kids and pets. we have taken a couple of smaller trips lately and they have been fine. nice to have kids at least old enough to take your eyes off them for a few days.
been working on my house a lot. great cure for all the uncertainty out there to put your money into your own bricks and mortar. have been feeling pretty well, also. still need to sleep a lot, but function well while i am awake, and very little pain. yeah lyrica.