Last week I was at a 3 day long conference. And the neurontin I had been taking was giving me nasty side effects.I walked into the room and a few people asked me if I was OK. I told them I was. I didn't know it but I was walking around like I was drunk or something. I had been dizzy for a week or two I had gotten used to being dizzy and it had been intensifying apparently. So when I saw my therapist the next week she noticed I was moving funny too. I couldn't keep my eyes from twitching and moving too.. As I got up to leave I ran into her door frame,bounced off, caught myself,ended up ping ponging down the hallway.My therapist said the neurontin was obviously not working for me,so she got me some cymbalta samples,since med assistance refuses to pay for it,and it's an ongoing battle.
The difference between the side effects of neurontin and cymbalta are profound. I am a bit more tired than usual,but not as beat as I was taking the neurontin, the dizziness and eyeball twitching stuff has stopped too.Cymbalta and the neurontin both are to help the neuropathy in my back,that's why it was prescribed. And cymbalta works on the pain a little better than the neurontin did.I was actually able to sleep on my right side for awhile!! It has been months I've been sleeping on my left side only.It feels good to be able to rest in different positions.
I hope they can keep me afloat with samples.