I've encountered a psychiatrist and a few psychologists who thought I could just snap out of it by "turning that smile upside down," by not being so bitter, etc.
By the way, I've thrown away a LOT of anger. Considering the differences between my community, family (mostly Republicans and fundies) and me, it's a day-to-day struggle. (BTW, I've learned that if you never talk about anything important or interesting, it eases relations...but you get bored. :) )
So, I'm not terribly bitter anymore. Upset, yes. Sad, yes. Bitter and angry...not so much, anymore.
Anyway, Mrs. Fundy Psychiatrist was wrong. (Yeah, she's a fundy. In small towns, you hear stories.) The "frown upside down" psychologist was wrong. She told me to suck it up. I felt like telling her to just plain suck it, but I'm still somewhat cordial with her. Due to my upbringing I tend to see things in black and white. I'm trying to fight that. The last step is to stop bad-mouthing them...but it's SO hard. :evilgrin:
My cousin recently became engaged to a psychiatrist. He's done a lot to ease my guilty feelings. He knows depression is a real illness.
I've done a lot of thinking about why Depression is so stigmatized in our society and I believe that a key ingredient is dualism: the idea that the mind and body are separate. The more modern versions of dualism were delineated by Descartes. For me, that's yet another reason to despise him. Reason 1: Animals are automatons. Dualism is also a very religious idea. If you've read many of my posts, you know how I feel about religion. I think it has hurt humanity horribly. If you believe that the mind and body are somehow separate, it makes sense that you could just think yourself to wellness. It complete ignores the reality that the brain itself is diseased in some way.
Alzheimer's and stroke patients are not stigmatized. I think it is because their brains have suffered measurable and identifiable injuries. Research is just now discovering the mechanisms behind schizophrenia, depression and other "nebulous" mental illnesses.