One show which I believe to be on Sat radio is Coast-to-Coast. They cover many topics; some are rather "out there" topic-wise and can range from UFO's, Psychics, space exploration, astrology, new medical breakthroughs, Area 51, robotics, politics, conspiracy theories, etc, etc. They LOVE hearing from truckers and the truckers will identify themselves with the airhorn when they get on the air. During Open lines, people call in with all sorts of stories, and truckers will call in with strange things they have seen in their travels.
I usually check out the website to see what is coming on so I can pick and choose.
The other thing I would suggest just for some variation might be books on tape which may be available at your local library. This hopefully would engage your mind to use more visual imagery which might prevent your mind from focusing on your problems.
Music of course is great, and I am glad you have found some stations you enjoy.
Happy Trails!