Billy the Kid, a documentary directed by Jennifer Venditti, is an unusual film. It focuses on Billy P., a 15-year-old with Asperger syndrome living in Lisbon Falls, Maine. The movie treats Billy's difficult situation, but it also provides other, rare glimpses of American life. The movie has won awards at film festivals in Los Angeles, Melbourne and Edinburgh.
Billy, described by the director as something of "a young Don Quixote," explains to the camera: "I'm at war with myself...fighting my emotions." As a child, he was given to terrible temper tantrums; he is now estranged from his classmates. His condition, which makes social interaction problematic and lends his behavior an eccentric quality, has made him something of an outcast. But he possesses a fascinating, eclectic wisdom and he makes the case that in life's hardships—and his life is a hard one—one can "find great things."