Humans are born good.
I don't believe in"original sin" I think sin is a learned thing,you learn it from the viloence bullying and abuse this world of adults and cruelty of"nature" and competition teaches you and you are forced to participate in to sutrvive. Outr culture is all about cocercin might makes right winner take all and master and slave.
Kids who get betrayed hit,and do as they are ordered to or else..learn what sin is by the hand of the dominator..
After a serious betrayal, everything changes inside trust is broken the world is dangerous.. and the goodness inside fades as obedience,the illusion of good made by fear replaces the natural state of creativity,peace,security, trust, decency,love...with a rabid insecurity, a will to power,greed fear and ambition to win, to top the whatever it is that hurt you.And for some people)myself included) the hurts have been so many,from so many places, for so long they just lash out at reality itself,and the perversity of it all.I crybecause I know it does not have to be like this,I can value love over power ,So if as human beings we'd value lovingkindness over winning dominating and ego strokes things might be different.
Sadly I think it won't be different in time to save ourselves from each other. I think too many people have been manipulated by this society, invested too much in a sick way of life,Too many people have been betrayed/abused/discounted/assaulted bythier ignorant parents as kids,and hurt too deeply,by the cultural sickness to see it.Still the parents are in denial that spanking is assault,(you can see the denial on DU even) and they just don't get it,theat thier momentary desire to dominate thier own kid shatters thier trust and ruins any hope of respect and security the kid may have..and it takes along time to trust again..Parents who hit certainly don't want to admit what they do hurts,and likewise the powerful abusers of the public trust don't want to admit how corrupt they are...And who's gonna force them to be honest about thier issues,sickness and failures at being human beings if thier consience is dead?
It has always been the problem of people who can cooperate and live and let live,and tolerate pluralism....what do you do with the bullies,exploiters and ambitious who will not leave you be?
I try to share to care and not bystand..But it is too much to take sometimes.I feel like my love is a drop dissapearing into an ocean of agony.I feel like humanity is has really lost it,and it is just going to crash itself,by committing slow murder/suicide...on a global scale..Because for ages humanity has been so abusive to certain sections of the population,it has mistreated the Earth itself and the Animals,and the dominant /profiteering ones cannot feel why what they do is wrong and abusive to others.The dominant,winner and popular bullying people won't listen to others they see as"inferiors",crazy or fluffy,When in reality it's some of these people they are so quick to dismiss who have grown past the destructive, selfish,urge to control others.The dominator class will not stop seeking power,and listen it fears it may be forced to be honest inside with a narcissistic malignant ego that cannot stand to hear the ugly dark,tragic truth about what has been done in the name of winning.
I wish there was a way to make bullies feel empathy.