i've been stuck in this horrible, seemingly unbeatable depressive episode lately. i know that a lot of it is 'environmental', like my lack of a job, money issues and the fact that my bed has become so uncomfortable that i've had only one pain-free night of sleep in months. the only way i can get to sleep most nights is to stay up watching tv until i just about pass out from exhaustion because i can't get my brain to shut off long enough to get to sleep.
but i've just been telling myself that it'll turn around, that things will get better, and that i'll wake up the next morning feeling good about myself and i'll be able to do things. but i'm so paralyzed by fear, self-loathing and inertia that i can't help myself lately, so i've not been talking about it. as far as i'm concerned right now, there's nothing to really talk about and what there is to talk about, i don't want to talk about. i've allowed myself become ashamed of who i am and i don't want to tell people that as it only adds to that sense of shame.
my dad and sister last night told me that i've completely withdrawn and their feelings were hurt by that. they want me to talk to them and fill them in on what's going on. i think they try to understand to the best of their abilities what's going on with me, but they really don't understand what it's like to be so trapped in your own head that you start to lose the ability to function in the day-to-day world. my dad told me he was upset that i will talk to my two best friends about it and not him, but i told him that i do because they are, or have been, in very much the same place i have. i made sure to tell him that it has nothing to do with him or my sister that i'm not talking, but i am also very good at taking things personally and i'm trying to see it from their side of things.
i've always been close with my dad and my sister and i are much closer than we were 10 years ago, but i'm just at a point to where i don't want to be around people and i don't really want to talk to anyone. i have been isolating myself, but i feel that's been for the better lately. i'm not good company and i don't want to drag anyone down.
i'm leaving a message for my doc today about tinkering with my meds. i know i will feel better someday, but it's to the point where i'm going to have to force myself to do what i can to speed up that process.