not that they are all helpful, but maybe you have a good one. it can be such a slow process to find a good therapist. well, any therapist at all sometimes. hard to ask a kid to be patient. they are all about today.
does he know about your history? maybe it is not as scary if he sees that you cope with it. i could see that going either way, tho.
really, i do not have any idea what to say or do, except to keep him talking. if he seems to be in danger, take him to the e.r. remember this- the magic words are- he is a danger to himself or others. if you can honestly say that, they have to help him. figure out which hospital in your area has the best psyche dept. is there a good university hospital where you are? if you go in through the er, they will hook you up with resources a lot quicker.
and here is a good website- good book, and some great research.
and :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
to you and to him.