Some people can identify certain triggers for depression, but apparently I'm not one of them.
I doubt it's your age, but the other reasons sound likely. And I think that those things would get a lot of people down (well, the rain part doesn't effect me as I love it, but I'm as crazy as a box of frogs). Today sounds like a perfect storm of things that have been bothering you all bubbling up at once. It sucks that you can't get outside to do some work as it not only takes your mind of some these troubles, but it also makes you feel good for getting stuff done.
I can totally relate to you having different interests than most people. A lot of my interests are definitely out of the norm, whether it's my taste in music or movies or just my general outlook on the world. I look normal on the outside, but normalcy is only skin deep in my case. :)
I'm not a social creature and enjoy being alone so it's hard for me to comment on loneliness. I feel it sometimes, but rarely for long (usually just going to the store reminds me of why I like being alone). But it sounds like it may be part of what you're feeling, and it's totally understandable.
As for feeling sorry for yourself, I'm a strong believer that it's ok to do just that some days. Life isn't always this wonderful thing, and it can really pile on at times. There's nothing wrong with taking a day or two every now and then to ask, "Why me?". I never get an answer, but I still ask sometimes.
I hope you feel better soon, and that the sun comes out where you are (and you can keep it!).