This looks very interesting. Does anyone know of the author?
A Peoples History of Iraq
By Ilario Salucci
This important book offers a critical analysis of the Iraqi Communist Party and its contribution to the workers' movement and the Left in Iraq. Whether standing up to British occupiers, the monarchy they installed, or the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussein--who for many years was a friend and ally of the United States, Iraqis have a rich history that has been entirely ignored by the media and pundits who supported the most recent invasion and occupation of that country.
"Sooner or later, all foreign troops will have to leave Iraq. If they do not do so voluntarily, they will be driven out. Their continuing presence is aspur to violence. When Iraq'speople regain control of their own destiny they will decide the internal structures and the external policies of their country. One can hope that this will combine democracy and social justice, a formula that has set Latin America alight in recent years, but is greatly resented by the Empire. Meanwhile, Iraqis have one thing of which they can be proud and of which British and U.S. citizens should be envious: an opposition."
--From the Foreword by Tariq Ali
"The struggle for the liberation of Iraq does not lie with the United States. It lies...among the unemployed Iraqis who, for forty-eight days, tried to force U.S. authorities to grant them an unemployment benefit and a degree of dignity. Among the women who arefighting for equality and freedom, and courageously battling against diverse reactionary Islamic forces. Among the workers currently discussing their problems, their organizations, their future trade unions, and their struggle for a better life in Iraq than that offered by past and present nightmares."
--From A People's History of Iraq
ILARIO SALUCCI is an Italian activist and journalist who has spent years studying the hidden history of resistance in Iraq.
Haymarket Books, ISBN 1-931859-14-0. Paperback 208 pgs. April 2005 found on IndyMediaPortland, posted by pd
March 19