(cross posted from the Lounge)
What evidence do we have that the movies are contemporary? In the books, Dudley Dursley has a Playstation, which puts the series in the 1990's, but in the movies, all I can think of is:
- the Dursley's house (which looks like it hasn't changed since the 1940's or 1950's)
- the Ford Anglia that the Weasleys drive (which to my untrained eye looks like a 1960's-era car)
- the clothes that Ron/Hermione/Harry wear in Prisoner of Azkaban (which I didn't think belonged in the movie in the first place! But this might be the only clear sign, see below)
- the train station, and the London street leading to the Leaky Cauldron (nothing particularly modern about either--it's not like there was a prominent shot of someone walking by wearing an iPod)
Anything I'm forgetting?
Nearly Headless Nick's Deathday party is the clincher in the books, but IIRC it's not in the movies, or at least not the "500 years" line.