I was out late last night for the reading and the signing, and am groggily getting ready to manage 90 teenagers and an insane schedule today. At least it's Friday and I can sleep in tomorrow, lol.
Four diverse authors read, with Ursula reading last. I may post about at least one of the other authors in the regular book forum. It was great.
The founder of the local literary festival was a student of Le Guin's at a writer's workshop 22 years ago. She was in tears, introducing her.
Ursula herself, while a little careful on her feet, was warm, engaging, funny, and fascinating. She read some from "Lavinia," which I read last month. She said that she'd studying Latin both in high school and graduate school, but never mastered it. She always wanted to read Virgil, a poet who doesn't translate well, and when she hit her mid-70's, she decided that if she was ever going to read Virgil, she'd better go back to learning Latin. So she did, and she achieved her goal: she read The Aeneid.
She found herself fascinated with a character that never speaks in the poem, and based "Lavinia" on that character. It was fascinating to hear her talk about the way she interacts with her characters.
In the end, I got 3 books signed. One for my mom, one for my son, one for me.
What a fascinating, incredible, woman she is!