(Subtitle: How I spent my (daughter's and spouse's) spring break)
My Christmas present this year was a diving trip to Cozumel (during spring break for the two student members of the family - I had to play hooky). I posted one photo in another thread and promised a separate thread - here it is (finally)! From a photographic perspective, the more interesting photos are at the end of the post.
Cozumel was hit by Wilma last October (and also by Emily in July). Lots of damage is still evident.
Most of the trees looked like this:

A school less than a block from our hotel and the view across a vacant lot between our hotel and the main drag for the cruise ship clientele (8-10 blocks away):


We rented some wheels for $5 for the day to see the rest of the island. Some of you will remember these from your youth - no it was NOT one of the recent reissues. (All of the upright posts that are visible supported roofs before Wilma):

The south end of the island looked like this. The south end is out of the main tourist reach, so not much rebuilding has gone on there:

and this:
Much of the underwater world is covered with a layer of sand:


But they are working hard at rebuilding. Our hotel in the background is already all spiffied up. This is the second dock our hotel was rebuilding (they lost two out of three) - and I couldn't resist the underwater concrete worker donning scuba gear:

(They left one of the underwater workers underwater one of the days we were there. He came up to discover the rest of the work crew MIA.)
On the whole, much less underwater damage than I feared, and lots of critters:

The grin on my baby's face when she surfaced after her first dive made my day. Breathing underwater was more emotionally challenging than she expected - and she came close to dropping out of the training class on more than one occasion. Her self-portrait will be in the contest this month, with her new friend for whom breathing underwater comes much more naturally!

But all good things must come to an end: