As some may know, I use Picture Windows Pro (at a very novice level). I had tried all the other better known software before deciding that this program (developed by a photographer for photos) worked in the way I thought about image processing. basic structure of the program (the options mimic classic darkroom techniques) is unchanged, but the new version offers two major enhancements. The first is that RAW files from digital cameras are accepted and automatically converted into viewable/printable files, rather than needing a separate step. The second is that "workflows" involving several steps can be saved and applied to new images easily. It is not the same as batch processing, where all images get the same treatment, since at each step you can tweak that particular transformation to suit your needs.
There is a 30 day free trial available at the "downloads" tab, and there are two versions. The "Pro" version ($100.00) accepts 48-bit data and, whether the original data is 48-bit or not, does the the math at 48-bit resolution. The "standard" version ($50.00) works only with 24-bit data. There may be some other differences as well.
If you are interested in trying the program, be sure to go to the "Articles" tab and download the Tutorial. There are lots of other good articles there, explaining a lot about image processing, useful even if you don't use this particular program.
(edit to add - It seems the tutorial is automatically included with the program download and acceesible via the "help" menu.)