Edited on Sun May-24-09 02:21 PM by MajorChode
I could make it work, but I don't see it as being all that practical, especially since I sold my 50mm f/1.4. The only lens I have that would work with the tubes is my 105mm f/2.5. That lens is non-AI anyway, so it's not going to meter no matter which tubes I have.
The next option I'm looking at is buying a Micro-Nikkor 55mm f/2.8 AIS or AF on the used market. The question I have is how well does AF work for macro? I suspect it doesn't work very well. I also suspect I'll need to get a new split circle screen to MF, but this would probably be the case no matter which option I go with.
On the used market, I can get the AIS version for around $150 and the AF version for around $50-75 more. This also gives me a prime lens that is 2 stops faster than my 18-55mm VR, which would be handy to have. As I probably won't be using it that often, I don't think the lack of AF is that big of a deal. At least as far as the pictures are concerned, the AIS version appears to be much more ergonomic than the AF version for MF operations. I doubt I'll need or want 1:1, but the addition of a PK-13 tube appears to make that possible and they seem to be plentiful and cheap on flea-bay.