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Water (not for the contest)

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Arts & Entertainment » Photography Group Donate to DU
ConsAreLiars Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-13-05 02:05 AM
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Water (not for the contest)
Just for their entertainment value -- a few from those I have so far scanned while I wait for my scanner to come back from warranty service and can get at the really good stuff. (A joke, these are some I had put in one of my several "best of" slide piles). Some of these at least illustrate the "less is more" rule for photography. Others just my love of the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest.

Desert Shoreline - Oregon Dunes

Middle Sister Reflected - Scott Lake, Oregon

Water is a Family Value - Franklin Falls, WA

Rain Forest - Murhut Falls, Olympic National Forest

Avalon2, Olympic National Forest

Mossy Cascade, Mt. Rainier

Lake and Reflection - Mt. Rainier
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NashVegas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-13-05 05:01 PM
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1. Those Are Just Gorgeous
damn ..
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Blue_In_AK Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-13-05 05:30 PM
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2. Cons, your photos are always SO beautiful...
I want to be you when I grow up. :)
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intheflow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-13-05 05:55 PM
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3. Hey! What happened to my post here?
I could have sworn I posted in this thred already! Well, you know, it was just the same ol',same ol'... "ConsAreLiars is brilliant, yadayadayada..." :P

As usual, another great batch of photos. I like the first one for its zen-like simplicity. I like Mossy Cascade because I am forever trying to get waterfall shots that are as lush on film as they are in real life--and I am forever failing in that goal! Mossy Cascade has captured that lush rainforest feel perfectly!

Why aren't these for the contest, ConsAreLiars?
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ConsAreLiars Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-13-05 09:02 PM
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4. Thanks (to all) for enjoying these.
I've shot a lot of film, a lot, and occasionally end up with something that seems to capture something of both the place and the experience.

I've enjoyed photography for a long time. And I've enjoyed hiking and camping since the first glimmerings of awareness. Using a fine grain film meant a slow film, and this slowed me down enough to stop and appreciate where I was. Probably my most important bit of gear is a tripod, partly to keep it sharp, at least until another generation or two of tech, but also because it is bit cumbersome and makes me pay more attention to the image. The Pacific Northwest is a beautiful region so dragging along a tripod was worth the effort.

Eventually I began to learn something about what I liked (and disliked) about the pictures I took, and a better understanding of what I liked about the places I was in. Hopefully these pictures allow others to have a bit of those experiences as well.

The Mossy Cascades photo was done on Velvia almost certainly, in soft, dim forest lighting, so probably was an exposure of 4-8 seconds or so, and probably a 60mm lens. The Desert Shoreline was also likely Velvia, certainly a 80-200 zoom at near 200mm probably around 1/4 sec, and as can be seen near dusk. The reflected sky color sky was darkened by the heavy clouds and the texture of the sand created by the intermittent rains. Probably a better name is "Earth Air Sky and Water." (Atlhough that might work for the last one too.) It's one of my favorite favorites.

As for not putting them into the contest, I'm a bit too laid back for that kind of excitement... Well, actually I think the contest is a good way for people who are more actively doing photography than I am to hone their skills and experiment, but not so suitable for showing past work.

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peacebuzzard Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-20-05 12:06 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. Well, thanks for sharing. Enjoyed your work.
Please keep posting.
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superconnected Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-14-05 12:55 AM
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5. All great pics
I pick the 1st as my favourite. All exceptional though. These are so good it's scary.
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