(take the basket) but I would look for something similar. The advantage or upside is all in your making me see things in a different light.:) Not the same without that part. Now the bird feeder I will steal the idea and get someone to make me one. ..."some of these things just arrest me as I walk past." keep sharing these things please.
I wondered on the what you were trying to learn because your sign/graphic design experience should have the object placement all figured out. So what is left is just learning what and how to use your equipment (camera & light in this case) to do what you see in your mind. That is learning the mechanics of the camera and how it handles light (your other tool) to get what you want. You are on the right track there and well on your way. Maybe start with one object as the subject. That just makes it easier to keep track of what is going on. Try it with and with out a plain white sheet over the window. Try it at what the camera chooses for settings then bracket up and down. None of your stuff (or anyone else for that matter) has ever been dull. Having talked (aka pestered) to a few pros over time they have to do that over and over too so it is an on going process. BTW if you didn't say you didn't know what you were doing no way would we know that. I think you know more than you realize or give yourself credit for. I am good at doing that myself and am trying to learn not to short myself. Lots of help on that comes from this group. (Along with tech and seeing help.)I also read a lot of photo books. A lot of it is repetitious but it also reinforces the basics. Without it I would never know how to say anything about photography on here including the sheet thing. It even helps me with how to question (pester) any pros I come across.
Costa Rica, wow. You will come back with beautiful photos to share with us all and I can't wait. Relax and enjoy your time there, including the taking pictures part. Much as I would love to see Limpballs go away I would never wish him on Costa Rica. Maybe Somalia like someone on MSNBC suggested.:evilgrin:
Hopefully this makes sense, the phone has only interrupted 4 times and at least an hour and a half has passed since I started replying. I decided to leave it disjointed instead of not posting at all. Now it is time to walk the dogs and feed them. Part of why I have been so silent is I never seem to get a thought down without interruptions.
Will leave you with a site of a guy I met and pestered. I need to find out if he had one of his camera converted to infrared only and where if he did.