GUIDELINES:1. The Theme for this challenge is “Hot Days of Summer”. A favorite vacation photo, summer events, fairs, summer gardens, weather, people, BBQ’s….. anything related to Summer.
2. Entries can either be posted in this thread or they can be PMd to me.
I’d prefer that everyone PM (Private Message) their entries (a suggestion made by alfredo and others that I’d like to give a try). If you post or PM your entry please include the photo title in the subject line. All photos that are submitted by PM will be posted in a private gallery in the Group site for the voting link and the Username will be kept “secret” until the Challenge is completed.
3. There will be voting to determine a winner (or winners if there is a tie). The winner
will not have to host the next challenge. This is a one shot deal. If there is enough interest to run two challenges/contests a month then the winner can, at their option, elect to host another challenge/contest for September or someone else can take it on themself to do it.
The rules/guidelines for this challenge can and will be changed "on the fly" based on suggestions from the group. Let's play around with this and try some new things. 5. You must read the following before submitting an entry: (I wish flow’ would post this on Demopedia so everyone can just link it. People are probably getting sick of reading it.):eyes:
Challenge/Contest License: An entrant to this contest, by submitting a photograph, is giving permission for that photograph to be copied to Demopedia and/or to a linked Gallery that will display the photographs entered for this /challenge/contest for the purpose of publicizing future contests and/or commemorating current and past challenges/contests. The entrant retains all other rights to the photograph being submitted. Neither Demopedia and/or a linked Gallery may use any photograph submitted for any purpose other than to display the photograph being submitted by the entrant, and neither gains any real or implied ownership rights to the photograph.
An entrant can disclaim this Challenge/Contest License and retain all rights to the photograph. If an entrant wishes to disclaim the Challenge/Contest License they must include the following statement in the post containing their photograph; “I disclaim the Challenge/Contest License, and reserve all rights to my photograph”. Any photograph submitted by an entrant with this disclaimer statement will not be copied and displayed in Demopedia and/or any linked Gallery.==============================================================
IMAGE SIZEIdeally photos should not be 800 pixels in the longest dimension and under 200KB in size. If your entry is bigger than 800 pixels or over 200KB in size I will take it on myself to reduce the size. Think “dialup” people. If you don’t know how to do this you can PM me and I will tell ya’, or you can just PM the photo to me (which I prefer) and I will reduce it for you.
A good and free image viewing program with basic editing functions is Irfanview /
DISCUSSION OF ENTRIES:From the group description: "The purpose of the Photography Group is to discuss photography as an art, skill, and means of communication, as well as share photographs."
I’ll start a comments/questions thread. Please don’t use this thread to post comments about any entries.
THE SCHEDULE: I will keep this thread goin’ until August 16th.
For this challenge there is no limit to the number of entries. If there are 10 or less entries there will only be one thread started in the Lounge to determine the winner. If there are more than 10 entries, then I’ll divide the entries into equal numbers and have preliminary voting in the Lounge to determine the final 10.
If preliminary voting is required it will start in the lounge on August 17 and end on August 18. (ish) Voting with the Final 10 will start on August 19 and end on August 20. (ish)
THE WINNER:The photograph that gets the most votes in the Final poll will be designated the winner. In case of a tie, there will be co-winners. The winning photo may be posted in the Demopedia, unless the winner requests otherwise. All entries will be posted in the photo group archive gallery of past entries (unless the entrant opts out).
AND FINALLY:Even though a “winner” will be determined this is more about participating than “winning”. It’s about sharing, learning, and having fun. You've already "won" when you enter a photograph. We live in a
fill in description of this screwed up country we live in here and things like this are a healthy diversion from the somber and depressing nature of the
fill in description of this screwed up country we live in here.
Let's have some "Hot Days of Summer" fun.