...because, well, for one thing, I shot it back in April, and for another, it was for work.
The backstory:
The rural volunteer fire department up on a nearby mesa had just taken possession of this $300K water truck, remarkable because of a grant one of them had written and that the other half of the money was donated by a woman who lives up there.
In the photo, most significant to me, is an older fellow wearing a hat named Jack. He was one of the founders of the volunteers up there probably forty years ago, and was so excited about the truck. The smallish woman next to him is his wife, delightful lady, and the one showing them all the features is the current fire chief -- do I need to say he's also a volunteer?
Anyhow, it was a cool past and present kind of shot I've always liked and just stumbled across again. Almost teary, get I. :)