around me, depending on the need... I map, and gather demographic and numbers information for statisticians working on gov't studies... It is a fine job but a heartbreaking job (not only do I see the pain and misery out here in the U.S. but all I really want is to farm and be with my family ...and the pay isn't great) but I do get opportunities to see many things and sometimes photograph those things... I will be working just a few miles from the Sequoia National Forest at the end of the month. *I have yet to figure out how to truly represent the majesty of a redwood tree in a photograph*
Photography for me isn't so much the technicalities of working the camera, especially since I still don't really know how as of yet, but a way for me to capture the things I experience and want to share. (I hope someday to do that better) It is emotion and the human component even when people aren't in the picture...
I love this place (DU Photography group) because I get to see in mostly real time the stories of everyone here... many are different from mine and I love everyone of them