It will be really weak, BUT
I can now say that I have two of my photos on very public display. The proof:
I'm not sure of the right terminology. I supposedly am in the "finals" of the first photography contest for Shelby Farms, the finals being eight photos selected by the conservancy employees. However, despite the posted contest rules, I am pretty sure the finals ends right there, without any further places being awarded. Okay, so when I heard about the contest I thought great :eyes: This is my very favorite place to take photos around here since it is pretty close and has lots of animals and nature and many trails as well. But I was worried I would be sad if I didn't make the finals, so I ordered something like a dozen eight by tens from MPIX, and then the very cheapest black frames from Amazon (gee, these were pretty amazing), and entered a lot of photos. Now that I made the "finals" I feel obligated to join the conservancy as a "member". So, with all the eight by tens, the frames, and the membership, this wasn't exactly cheap. The non profit conservancy now supposedly has the rights to the images, but they must not be planning to use them as they have yet to ask for my digital files.
Other than the contests here at DU, it is the first photo contest I have entered. Interstingly, a winning photo here recently "Another Misty Morning" was not selected to be in the finals of the Shelby Farm contest. However, these two photos were selected.
Another Misty Morning does look better digitally than printed, I think. This wasn't a digital contest. The entries had to be printed and framed.
Oh, I think all the finalist photos are really good. I was worried that the conservancy employees might not have good taste. Wrong! They did at least as well as GD does.
Anyway, fun little contest. It has been decades since I had a piece of artwork publically displayed (think high school). Feels nice. Now maybe I deserve some sort of equipment upgrade. ;)
The prize was just having them professionally framed. But I am not sure when or if I get them back, or what happened to the original cheap frames I used for submission on these two photos. :shrug:
Interesting experience. I am really glad that I made the "finals" or I would have been really bummed out.