This is probably a nonsensical rant, I don't know, I don't even know if I get what I'm saying myself. Don't feel obliged to reply, only if you want to, I just felt like sharing this.
As I was saying, I was browsing the groups here and this one caught my eye and many of the posts resembled personality traits I possess. I am just confused because when I am alone for a somewhat long period of time I become depressed, but when I go out with people to try and cure the loneliness, it doesnt take long where I feel I have had enough socialization. It's an awkward balance that I have to maintain. Personally I think some of my depression with being alone has to do with society's expectation's. I feel I'm weird if I am content with being alone, and it's not normal, thus the depression and feeling I have to socialize yet getting bored and wanting to be alone again quickly.
I think I was always like this but I had a decent balance. It was like 65 percent of the time being alone, but the rest of the time I always filled with socialization. I did enjoy the involved friendship, but I can't say that much of it wasn't feeling like I had to, there were times when I really wanted to engage in my friendships, but usually seldom. It is to be noted though, if it is just me and a good friend, I can enjoy prolonged socialization, but while out with a group, my tolerance goes way down. I think some of my resistance to socialization might be because I feel to obligated to steer the conversation.I feel so nervous if there's nothing to talk about, I feel it's my fault for wasting the persons time, to the point where going out with someone is almost a shore, where I am always trying to make sure something interesting is happening. I don't know
I think I am slowly surpassing the line that would be considered someone who just likes his time alone, to someone who in the future may turn out to be full blown loner. I say this mostly because of the situation I am in, ever since I have gone on meds for depression I just dont' feel as if I can relate to anyone anymore. It kinda screwed things up for me in the head, and it just hindered my already not so good social ability. I am away at college, and even though all the way throughout my high school years I was able to find a group of friends, that just isn't happening here. I just feel my personality has been sucked from me and I just can't relate to people like I use to. I can't really keep conversations going anymore, I don't know, my memory is also bad, and that hinders conversation to. I definitely feel the trigger was meds, and upsetting a balance in my brain permanently. This I believe is what triggered what I believe will probably be my future as a loner, where as usually I may have had a side of my life for socialization, that just doesn't seem to be happening now.