I go through phases where I want to hang out with people, and then I just want to be left alone. Right now I'm going through the latter. Yet it seems that now is the time people want to hang out with me. Example, Saturday I worked 10am-6pm. I work two jobs, and having no plans for that night, I just wanted to go home and enjoy the peace and quiet. Alone.
During my shift, I had 3 different people calling/texting me (that's alot for me, especially in 1 day) to see if I could hang out with them. One was being a little too needy, since I just saw them a few days ago; another, my best friend, understood I was tired and wanted a night in; the 3rd I just didn't answer the phone. I called them back later though; I didn't want to be rude.
I don't want to be rude. But I don't like hanging out with people all the time, especially since my free time is limited to Sundays mostly. The needy person couldn't understand why I could make time for someone else, but not for them. Maybe because the other person wasn't being needy?
I don't know...like I said, I just want to be left alone. I wish some people could understand that.