You're right. This forum doesn't get much conversation. Either we are loners that are comfortable being loners, and don't need to discuss it, or we are loners by default, rather than by choice.
Which are you?
I've always been something of a loner, but when I was younger, I would also get lonely.
I've never liked crowds, and have always been more comfortable in a group of no more than 3-4 people for any social situation.
The older I've gotten, the more I crave aloneness. Too many people around me leave me tense and exhausted. Silence and space and freedom to be without sharing space and I'm content.
I like my friends. Really. I enjoy spending time with them. I have to work to keep them, though, because I can go months without talking to them and not miss them at all. Meanwhile, their social lives move on.
I avoid the phone and communicate more frequently by email. That way, I can control the amount of communication.
Cats are the best company for loners, from my perspective. They are independent enough not to be needy, yet still offer physical contact which is often lacking in the life of a loner.
My dog, too, is good company when we're alone. She is just "there" wherever I am; she likes it when I talk to her, but I don't have to. She likes physical attention, but is content just to be near me.
Even my horses are great company.
It's the people that need entertaining, that demand attention, that get in my space, that suck the energy out of the environment and me.