Hi all,
I'm trying to track down a video I saw on Portland Cable Access last week, and I have had no luck! I only caught 30 seconds of it.
Here's what I know... The host said he got it off the internet. I have checked the web pages for the schedule, but they are not accurate, and I don't even know what the show name was.
The video - looked recent, was about 20 different people reciting a speech (or a blog? It sounded very familiar. Each person would recite a sentence or two, and then it would cut to another person. The message - democracy is in trouble, US was founded on values, brought up MLK, civil rights and the horrible direction we are moving towards...
I know this isn't much to go on, but I have been googling for a week, every part that I could remember, and no luck. Anyone know of a collection site that might have it?
Thanks for any ideas..... I'm so frustrated!