, the Union of Concerned Scientists and a panel of highly accomplished celebrity cartoonists launch Science Idol 2007: the Scientific Integrity Editorial Cartoon Contest. We're inviting all Americans to use their creativity and talent to highlight the effects of political interference in science on our health, safety, and environment. The entry deadline is May 22.
As a signer of the scientist statement on scientific integrity, you know how important it is to make this issue accessible to all Americans. To help meet this goal, UCS is again seeking creative, original, and compelling cartoons to help us tell this story to the general public, to the press, and on Capitol Hill.
Last Year's Success
Last year’s contest was extremely successful in helping UCS raise awareness about political interference in science. The contest drew significant media attention; as a result, thousands of citizens and scientists became involved in our efforts. The 2007 Scientific Integrity Calendar featuring the contest winners has been an extremely effective and engaging tool for educating Capitol Hill staff and the media about this issue.
This year’s contest will have similar goals: raising the issue outside the traditional scientific community and engaging more scientists and citizens in our work to restore scientific integrity in federal policy making.
How You Can Help
We’ll be promoting this contest far and wide, but could use your help in spreading the word. You can email your colleagues about this contest or download a contest flyer (pdf) that you can distribute and post in your community.
And of course, we’d love to see submissions from scientists—last year, several of the finalists were working scientists, which caught the attention of the scientific press. If you have a great idea, I’d encourage you to contribute your own cartoons.
Thanks for helping us get the word out—I look forward to seeing your creative submissions!
Francesca Grifo
Senior Scientist and Director
UCS Scientific Integrity
Meet the Contest Judges
We're pleased to announce our judges for this competition—talented, award-winning cartoonists who will be choosing the top 12 finalists:
Dave Coverly - Creator of the syndicated cartoon Speed Bump
James McLeod - Last year's Science Idol winner
Tom Toles - Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist for the Washington Post
Garry Trudeau - Pulitzer Prize-winning creator of the syndicated cartoon Doonesbury