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I've been getting caught up on SCANNING my paintings into the computer...

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Richard Steele Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-19-07 02:36 AM
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I've been getting caught up on SCANNING my paintings into the computer...
Here's the latest bunch I've gotten uploadable images of:

People often mistake this for a board, but it's
a canvas I stretched myself around 2003, 8x36...

This is the OLDEST one, from 2001:
I did this to commemorate Sweetie's purchase of this house.

One of her main reasons for buying her own home was
that she would be able to have CATS (not kidding),
and I had jokingly told her that we could dig a trench
around the backyard, fill it with water, and turn the center
into a stray-cat sanctuary...

This is a reflection of her house in that imaginary moat;
"Gateway to Kitty Island":

Here's one of the occasional small paintings I do, 12 x 16;
From 2005, "Exodus 3:2"
And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him
in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush:
and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire,
and the bush was not consumed.

Here's another small 12x16 that belongs to Sweetie now:
one of my most PERFECT works, because I did it in just
3 strokes and 2 dabs;
"Untitled Orchid":

This one was actually kind of a collaboration; the artist Courtney Crouch
had done a charcoal sketch, and then tossed it on the "free material"
pile at 305 South when she abandoned it. I finded it and taked it home,
and spent another 80 hours on it.

I added to the sketch CLOCKWISE- the bottom left shows what the
canvas looked like when I swiped it, and I just filled in the original
sketch in stages as I circled around back to the starting point.
I didn't ADD anything- I just filled in what I saw there already.

It's all about pondering the nature of "Love" (I think)...
I call it, "Pattern Recognition 1":

And I just keep painting Genesis 3:24 over and over, as is my wont;
here's the latest:

And the two NEWEST are some random iconic images
I named simply "Red Door";

"Red Door 1":

And the ever-so-originally-named....
"Red Door 2":

All are "mixed media"- mostly acrylic on canvas, but I sharpen edges
with pencil and black ink when the mood strikes, so I have to call
them "mixed". (and one started as charcoal, of course)

Unless otherwise noted, all are 16x20 inches, because that's
the perfect size to hold in my lap while I'm painting on the
living-room sofa, which is where I do most of my painting.
None of that fancy-pants "easel" nonsense for me! :rofl:
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Richard Steele Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-20-07 11:35 AM
Response to Original message
1. Three more...
From 2005, "Genesis 3:23":

And 2 charcoal/ink drawings, 12x18, from around 2002 or so...


And "Sarcophagus with CD":

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porphyrian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-27-07 04:22 PM
Response to Original message
2. I like, I like!
I think my favorites are "Gateway to Kitty Island" and "Red Door 1," at least from the scans. I might feel differently seeing them in person. I like them all, though - abstract patterns and surrealism are sort of my thing.
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My Good Babushka Donating Member (966 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-04-07 04:13 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Those are my favorite, too.
You have excellent taste! I think I'm a sucker for all those curlicues.
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My Good Babushka Donating Member (966 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-04-07 04:15 PM
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4. I can't scan.
My husband is my scan-lackey. Also, I could never paint on the sofa. Or anywhere in the living room. I would wreck the place up.
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Steerpike Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-27-08 08:55 AM
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5. I think these are very cerebral.
I like what I see. I am pushed.
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