I'd remove the link altogether and just keep a bookmark of the
other location, since I gather you put it there for yours and
your partner's convenience, correct?
(Looking again, I see that "logo.gif" is [i]also[/i]
linked to otherworks.htm. Is that how you want it? I think
most users would mouse over the logo expecting a link anyway,
so the link isn't exactly hidden.)
You could delete the following section of code from within
that white div (box, layer) and the logo would remain a link
to otherworks.htm :
()="" (="" m.=""
wilde="" ,="" images=""
intro="" tagline.gif=""
lmmrw@hotmail.com="" );return=""
color="#ffffff" size="2">er
I think the problem is you're using a gui html editor that is
producing extraneous code you don't want and can't see.
Let me know exactly what you're going for, and I'll be glad to
help. :)