I know. I know. I'm not just starting out but I'm so shy about getting my work out there. It's great to have the connections because there's nothing better than a good fit for your works, and the good fortune of easing you onto the scene. Go for it!!! :woohoo: I'm building a website myself now (long and tedious because I don't know what the hell I'm doing) and I've also watermarked my pieces. I've copyrighted a whole bunch at once and it was only $10 at the time. You can download the forms from the Copyright Office or if you're in D.C., as I was previously, I just took them there. Well, as far as hijacking, take heart, I know there's away that can stop right clicking or copying. I hope some artists/web designer who can explain will post. Oh, bless your heart - I know how you feel about your work. I'm glad you posted because it gives me a little boost to inch out of my cave.