Okay, my true confession is that I _hate_ traditional drawing methods with graphite. But, due to a constellation of events in my professional journey and my personal life as a daughter, I'm making a sketchbook just for my father who has only few months left, and am forcing myself to _draw_ daily (and not hating it as much as I thought I would).
This sketch is Contè pencil on sketchbook paper that I coated with Lascaux Structura (it has fine-grain quartz sand in it, and I chose it to provide a nice "tooth" for Conté and dry pastel.)
Anyway, this is the first sketch for a much bigger painting, most likely in oil, probably about 2.5 meters x 1.3 meters, "In my dreams I can fly, and nothing has changed forever."
(Yes, I draw/paint with a grid. If it's good enough for Chuck Close, it's good enough for me.)