(wish i had more time to devote to this guy, and this cause. very dedicated dude.)
Chicago Artists from the Free Speech Artists’ Movement have given the City of Chicago an ultimatum to exempt artists from the peddlers license or go to Court over the artists’ First Amendment right to sell their art on the public sidewalks and in the parks of Chicago. The artists of the Free Speech Artists’ Movement (Free S.A.M.) say the City writes broad laws claiming to control traffic on sidewalks that impact their speech rights enormously. The artists point out First Amendment case law demands narrow laws whenever writing laws that limit First Amendment protected speech. Free S.A.M. artists claim their art is protected speech. They are willing to fight for their right to survive in Chicago.
In Chicago, homeless persons have won the right to panhandle in the Loop based on their protected First Amendment right to free speech. But a homeless person, if he is an artist, can’t ask you for the same dollar for a portrait on a paper plate because he has lost his speech right to do so. Jobless artists also miss this speech right. Street artists are criminalized in Chicago. Their rights are legislated away. World famous, Lee Godi, who made her mark selling her paintings around the steps of the Art Institute, under today’s laws, would be jailed and never be able to become known.