What happens is I come across something that forces me to learn some new aspect of PS, so I'll spend the day doing just that. I don't think I really know the program well enough to write tutorials (plus, tutorials with swear words probably aren't welcome lol). It's all trial and error (usually more error). I actually know Corel Photopaint a lot better. Most of the symmetrical pics I've done were done in Corel before I moved over to Photoshop more and more. I always learn just enough to get the result I want for whatever I'm doing at the moment. I taught myself a lot after seeing Swamp Rat's awesome pics here all the time. He even inspired me to do a bunch of McCain pics during the election.
Here's a page with almost all my digital stuff on it (plus a handful of actual drawings).
http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.editAlbumPhotos&albumID=366880If that link doesn't work try starting on my profile page.
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=289831286Once I'm finished with a pic I don't care what anyone else does with it, even it's making their own picture out of it. I'm always hesitant to use someone else's work in one of my pics (though I suppose using parts of actual photos is still using someone's art...I'll have to ponder this further), but people can do anything they want out of mine. I've never felt right charging for pictures, though I have sold traditional drawings in the past for small amounts (and a bag of weed one time lol). When I was younger everyone told me I could make money with my art, and it took all the fun out of it for me. If I sit down with the intent of making money instead of art I get nowhere. Some people's stuff is clearly good enough that they should be compensated for it, but I can't take my stuff that seriously, especially the symmetrical stuff which is basically real easy to do.
Go ahead and PM your pic and I'll mess with it over the weekend and see if I can come up with something interesting. I plan on being hungover tomorrow so it'll give me something to do. :)
Also, I'll take a link to your blog, as I'm sure you can teach me a thing or two about PS. Finding good tutorials can be a pain as more and more are just dead links now, a lot like trying to find Bryce 5 tuts...they're all gone, and I only know the basics. x(