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I have forgotten how to convert/reduce a Psd doc into Jpg format

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truedelphi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-05-09 02:57 PM
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I have forgotten how to convert/reduce a Psd doc into Jpg format
When I did this a year ago, I got jpg's that were very small, under 100kb. Now when I attempt to do it, I get a reduction in size, down from 29 Megs to under 4 Megs. But not small enough to put the photos on flickr.

And although the file will have jpg in the extension, it also still has psd.

For instance "File.jpg.psd"

Any advice appreciated.
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Forkboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-05-09 11:57 PM
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1. What program are you using to resize it?
In Photoshop you can go to File>Save As and choose jpg (or anything else).

In Corel products it's usually File>Export to do the same.

If you have Irfanview (a small, free program that's easy to use) it'll be File>Save As.

All of these should allow you to save it as a jpg and not a PSD.

I seem to remember having the same trouble with both extensions being part of the file name, but sadly I can't remember how I solved it. If none of this helps you maybe I can think longer and harder. :)
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MagickMuffin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-09-09 03:01 AM
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2. Here's some tips
1. Go to image in menu bar: go to image and resize from there to whatever size you are wanting your image to be. You can choose inches, pixels, or other options.

2. Go to file and save as use whatever file format you want.

I usually resize my image to a smaller size then Save as 01a, then I go back to the original image and undo the last command so it will still be the larger file size.

Example: Original Image: MagickMuffin01 Save as: MagickMuffin01. After resizing to smaller size from the image menu Save as MagickMuffin01a. Go back to the original and undo, so it will be the same size before altering it to the smaller size. I usually save my pics in PNG formats.

If you would like to see some of my Flickr pics,

Hope this helps.

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